How Often Should You Refresh Your Brand?

It’s always worth taking the time to consider whether your current branding is up to date and truly representative of your business. Regularly tweaking your image to make sure it attracts your target audience is a sure way to keep your customers. At the same time, rebranding too often can actually do more harm than good. With that in mind, when is the right time to take that step forward and refresh your brand? In truth, there’s no one particular time that you should rebrand. Instead, watch for these three signs that might be time for a tweak!

The Importance of Color Psychology for Your Brand

The colors of your brand may mean more than you think. Color psychology is the science of how a particular color makes us feel, which should impact how you choose to brand your company. Everyone knows the iconic red and yellow of McDonald’s, but few know those colors can help increase appetite. There’s a reason they are called the golden arches and not the blue arches!

Get a Better Understanding Environmental Design

Walk outside and you’ll see environmental design just about everywhere you look. Environmental design – sometimes called experiential design – is the process of creating imagery that connects a person to a place. This type of design can be anything from a subway map to a McDonald’s sign above a highway. Environmental design helps people navigate space and gives context to the physical surroundings.